Vrácení zboží

Right of cancellation and return conditions

According to the Consumer Protection Act, you have the right to cancel your order within 14 days of receiving the order.

In the cancellation notice, you must include your name, address, bank account number, order date, ordered products and send it by email to info@luxinicrystals.com. The product must be returned by post within 14 days of the cancellation notice in its original condition and in its original packaging. Return costs are the responsibility of the customer.

Attach a copy of the cancellation notice to the product return. If the products have been used, we reserve the right to invoice for the reduction in value. We will refund within 14 days of receipt of the cancellation notice, if the product has been returned to the return address or it has been proven that it has been delivered to post office within the 14 days .

Return address:

LUXINI® Crystals / Sini Jurva
Tilhenpolku 6
37630 Valkeakoski

The right of cancellation does not apply to a product manufactured, modified or ordered at the customer's request.

Unclaimed package

Non-redemption is not the same as refund or cancellation. We charge a fee of 30 euros for an unclaimed package for which a separate cancellation notice has not been made.

Problematic situations

If the product is lost or damaged during transport or otherwise does not correspond to your order, you must report the error in writing within 14 days at the latest to the address mentioned in the Right of cancellation and return conditions section.

If the shipment is damaged, the product must be immediately complained to shipping provider.